World Heritage Map(1)

Materiali informative(Inglese)

Be a history maker with Korea! Together we can make a better world!

There are numerous World Heritage sites all over the world.
There are Heritage sites like Mt. Everest, the Grand Canyon of the U.S., and the Galapagos Islands that display the wonders created by nature. Sites such as the Cave of Altamira, the Moai heads of Easter Island, and Dolmen preserve the mysteries of the prehistoric ages. Grand architectural sites like the Pyramids, Acropolis, and the Great Wall of ­­China are documentary Heritage sites that hold the precious moments and thoughts of history.
What World Heritages are in your country? How did they come to be? It is difficult to claim that a country’s World Heritage solely belongs to that country alone. World Heritages are results of mankind’s never-ending exchange and collaboration. This is another reason why we must actively learn about our own World Heritages as well as those in other parts of the world. For example, the oldest existing moveable type printing press document, Jikji, confirms the invention of moveable type printing in Korea. The invention traveled to Europe and became popularized, playing a sig­nificant role in major historical changes.

The 21st century is confronting greater changes than any other time in history. Therefore, global exchange and collaboration is more important than ever. Expanding our understanding of others through World Heritages will become a solid foundation for stronger exchange and collaboration.

Do you aspire to understand more about the diverse international culture of the 21st century and lead the innovative development of mankind? Visit cyber diplomacy organization VANK (Voluntary Agency Network of Korea) at to learn more about our global cultural exchange project. The project aims to share culture with elements such as World Heritages through the online exchange of 100,000 youth from over 190 different countries.